Monday, April 26, 2010

BLOG 9: "Alice In Wonderland" Hero's journey

The 2010 version of the Tale "Alice In Wonderland" is a perfect example of the hero's quest. In this film, every element of the hero's journey is addressed from "the call to adventure" to "the return of the protagonist" to their original world.

Alice begins her quest at a family party that she is being forced to attend. While at the party Alice spots the iconic white rabbit (call to adventure) that, in turn, leads her to the rabbit hole rabbit hole (threshold) that she ultimately falls through. After falling through the rabbit hole, Alice is greeted by a small door (second threshold) and a small potion. After using the small door to pass to another world, Alice encounters a myriad of fantastic and terrible creatures that are Actually hunting her (challenges) for some unknown purpose. Soon after, Alice meets The Mad Hatter (the mentor; played by a cracked-out Johnny Depp) that keeps her safe from the Queen of Hearts for a short period of time. After a brief meeting with the other weird creatures in the movie, Alice is captured and taken to the Queen of Hearts (Abyss). While in the castle, Alice is informed that she is supposed to be the savior of the people and that she must defeat the dreaded "Jabbawakee" (transformation). After the Epic/Lame fight with the Jabbawakee, Alice saves the people from the evils of The Queen of Hearts and is safely returned to her original world (return).

Although this movie was a terrible waste of film, it fits the outline of the hero's journey almost as if Joseph Campbell had directed it himself (unlikely).


  1. Good basis. Can you build that up to an Essay? (And, damn, I need to see that film!)

  2. Nice review. Although I believe you have no good taste in movies since you believe it is a waste of film

  3. You are a waste of time. The movie teaches us about the hero's journey and everything so i think you have no taste in movies either.

  4. Please. This movie was almost unwatchable. Read the books. Almost as bad as the Avengers.

  5. Please. This movie was almost unwatchable. Read the books. Almost as bad as the Avengers.
